This is identical to the sealed first-price auction except that the winning bidder pays the second highest bid rather than their own. 这种拍卖方式与首价密封拍卖基本相同,区别仅在于胜出者需要支付的价格是第二高的报价,而不是他自己的报价。
Sealed bidding specifications or requirements cannot restrict, or limit unnecessarily and unduly the number of organizations submitting a bid. 密封投标规格和要求并不是没有必要的或过多的限制约束竞标者的数量。
Research on the Sealed bid Auction Mechanism with Incomplete Information 不完全信息下的封闭投标式拍卖机制研究
In this type of auction all bidders simultaneously submit sealed bids so that no bidder knows the bid of any other participant. 根据这种拍卖方式的要求,所有买家须同时提交密封好的报价,因而没有人知道其他竞买者的报价。
Particularly, this paper indicates that the second price sealed bid auction enjoys a wide range of application in the auction of the public resources with common value characteristics; 在具有共同价值特性的公共资源拍卖中密封第二价格拍卖具有广泛的应用价值;
This article presents the model of multiunit auction on the basis of the theory of first price sealed bid auction and offers the general bidding strategy of bidders for the multi-unit auction. 文章基于一级密封拍卖原理,构造出多商品拍卖模型,给出了多商品拍卖中的投标策略,然后结合电力竞价的特点分析了发电公司的竞价策略;
The Efficiency Analysis of Sealed-bid Purchase 两种密封招标采购的对比分析
Comparative statics analysis for first price sealed bid auction and procurement 密封拍卖和采购招标的比较静态分析
The bidding model of power plant company with incomplete information in unilateral open electricity market is analyzed by using the first price sealed bid auction. 运用博弈论中的第一价格暗标拍卖原理,研究发电公司的不完全信息竞价博弈模型。
Game theory is used to build up the game model in medical equipment single-stage sealed-bid tender. 应用博弈论的方法建立医疗器械一次性密封招标采购中的博弈模型。